The Art of Destiny (War Arts Book 2) by Wesley Chu

After reading The Art of Prophecy I borrowed The Art of Destiny from the library.

It builds from the previous book with rich world building and finding answers to big questions. 

There are many new characters so the dramatis personae was big help. I loved how their different personalities worked together. There were many funny moments and some serious ones.

The pacing did slow down in the middle and then it really picks up at the end. Yet, it also makes sense because one of the “reveals” (which I totally suspected all along) was a long con. 

The three separate points of views did feel like three separate books and a set up for book three. I’m looking forward to having the three character arcs converge again. 

3.5 out of 5 Bicker of My Quarrels!

I don’t think Jian is ready to be a Master War Artist yet. He has much to learn and I also think he’s a himbo. He’s often teased for making silly mistakes and not getting the joke with an innuendo. 

Himbo, a portmanteau of the English masculine pronoun him and bimbo, is a slang term for a sexually attractive, sexualized, naïve and unintelligent man. 

With Qisami I was glad to see was developing a conscience and ethics when she wouldn’t kill children and when she had remorse for beating the crap out of a fellow servant. But boy did I figure out that girl was being PLAYED. 

When she found out she and the Duchess Sunri were both in the Bo Po Mo Fo training pool I felt like she was Elle Woods realizing her client was in her sorority. Bo Po Mo Fo is fun to say really fast. 

Only this time we know Sunri is ruthless and diabolical. I was like, “You are being stupid, Qisami. She is using you!”

Sali’s story I really enjoyed and I like how we got answers about the history of the reincarnation of the Eternal Khan. I’m really looking forward to that rebellion and final showdown with the Eternal Khan.

Page 72 – “So you are the one known as Subatai? Were you also known at one point as Sakurai, Chaqra’s Keeper of Legends?”
Now that was a name he hadn’t heard in years.

Page 107 – “Looks like they’re changing the narrative,” said Taishi. “Now that the prophecy broke, the Tiandi religion is trying to reframe itself by declaring Jian the enemy. Everyone loves someone to hate.”
Fausan agreed. “It’s brilliant, really. Some might question the change, but repeat it enough times, hammer it into their heads enough times, and the truth will be what you say. Within a generation, it will be as if it has always been that way.” He whistled. “The Tainadi temples were always very skilled at publicity.”

Jian looked aghast. “But you can’t change history.”
“Of course you can, boy,” said the whipfinger master. “It’s one of the biggest perks of winning wars.”
Jian turned to Zofi. “Are the history books you taught me full of lies?”
She shrugged. “Probably.”
“Doesn’t it matter?” he asked.
She shrugged again. “Probably.”

Page 149- Bhasani to Taishi: “I would tell you to grow up, but you’re already an old woman.”

Page 258 – “You know, if you’re not doing anything, I could use a hand.”

Sonaya licked the tip of her finger and turned the page in her book. “I’m absolutely doing something. I’m reading, which is something you should do more of, Five Champ.”

Page 282 – “Call us that one more time and you’ll taste the bicker of my quarrels,” Hampa shot back…

Sali leaned toward her neophyte when he returned to her side. “The bicker of my quarrels?”
“It’s my catchphrase. “I’ve been working on my war arts image. What do you think?”
“I think you need to work harder, or not work at it at all and let it come naturally.”

Page 283 – “You go to answers. Answers do not come to you.” 

Page 410- “We need a plan. There could be two hundred souls on a large junk ship. We can’t just walk in and ask if it’s all right to search their decks or your missing disciple who also is the central figure of their religion. Frankly, I don’t feel like killing two hundred clergy tonight. That’s going to be a big black mark on my quest to sainthood.”

Page 421- Sali snorted. “Rules are there for a reason. Some are good, some are dumb. Know why they exist and stop following them blindly.”

Page 461 – Hampa held his ax and mace over his head, banging his right fist to his heart in a challenge. “Come on, stormchaser! If you are not a coward, come taste the bicker of my quarrels!”

Page 499 – (A decree): bring Salminde the Viperstrike of Nezra to the spirit shamans and all will be pardoned for harborning the exiled, traitorous, heretical rebel.
“Exiled, traitorous, heretical, and a rebel?” Marhi chuckled when she first heard it. “You covered everything, haven’t you? I’m actually rather jealous.”

Page 597 – Sali and Raydan fight an epic battle:
They clashed, a choreographed dance of extending and retracting, of parallel and intercepting footwork. The bodies weaved and flowed like finely spun yarn. They looked almost in love, if it weren’t for the fact they were both trying to end each other.

Page 641 – “There’s nothing for them to do,” said Taishi. “I’ve felt my bond to the heavens tighten everyday for a while now.”

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