Top Ten Tuesday June 18: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

1) The Glories of Mary by Alfonso María de Liguori

2) Knight Errant (the novel) by John Jackson Miller


3) Star Wars: Knight Errant, Vol. 1: Aflame (the graphic novel) by John Jackson Miller, Artists Ivan Rodriguez, Belardino Brabo, Marcio Loezer , Michael Atiyeh

4) Yes Please by Amy Poehler 

5) The Black Bird Oracle by Deborah Harkness.

6) Christmas at Glitter Peak Lodge by Kjersti Herland Johnsen, Olivia Lasky (Translator)

7) Unknown New York: An Artist Uncovers the City’s Hidden Treasures by Jesse Richards

8) Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties
by Tom O’Neill


9) Helter Skelter
The True Story of the Manson Murders

By: Vincent Bugliosi, Curt Gentry
Narrated by: Scott Brick
Length: 26 hrs and 29 mins

The Love of My Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood

My sister won this from a Goodreads giveaway. She liked it and gave it to me to read. Thank you Goodreads and Berkley Romance/Penguin Random House. It’s an ARC and is scheduled to be released July 2, 2024.

3 out of 5 Sketch Books

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Top Ten Tuesday June 4: Books I Had VERY Strong Emotions AboutTop Ten Tuesday

1) Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy.

For what Alec did to Tess I wanted him to suffer a more painful and drawn out, excruciating death. He got off too easy. 

Angel really angered me. His absence and unwillingness to forgive Tess (not that she needed forgiveness for that “sin”, maybe just for not being honest with him) caused her to think even less of herself and lose hope till she was forced, as a last resort, to accept Alec’s help.

Tess’ mother is no better. Mrs. Oh-I-should-have-checked-to-see-if-this-man-was-honorable-before-I-sent-my-daughter-off-with-him. Stupid selfish woman. 

2) We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.

Without revealing anything, I had a book hangover when I finished it. There was so much to think about and consider. 

3) The Shining by Stephen King. 

So suspenseful I jumped in my seat on the bus when the passenger next to me adjusted his position in his seat.

4) Golden Son by Pierce Brown.

After that end I had to wait a while for Morning Star.

The Art of Destiny (War Arts Book 2) by Wesley Chu

After reading The Art of Prophecy I borrowed The Art of Destiny from the library.

It builds from the previous book with rich world building and finding answers to big questions. 

There are many new characters so the dramatis personae was big help. I loved how their different personalities worked together. There were many funny moments and some serious ones.

The pacing did slow down in the middle and then it really picks up at the end. Yet, it also makes sense because one of the “reveals” (which I totally suspected all along) was a long con. 

The three separate points of views did feel like three separate books and a set up for book three. I’m looking forward to having the three character arcs converge again. 

3.5 out of 5 Bicker of My Quarrels!

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